Analysis of Al Mayadeen News channel

Al Mayadeen which means “The Squares” is a news media channel that started on June 2012 located in Lebanon[1]. Ghassan bin Jiddo is the director of the channel who left Al-Jazeera in 2011 accusing Al-Jazeera of “unprofessional broadcasting standards”[1]. The source funding of the Al Mayadeen is not known.
In this Post I will try to analyse the station assess its values.
The first assessment is to see what position Al Mayadeen holds in the Syrian conflict, here is a Video post from the channel on Jan 6, 2014. the subject reads (من هي شخصية العام 2013 ؟ – بشار الأسد) which translates to (Who is the Person of the Year 2013? – Bashar Al-Assad)
To be Continues….
[1] Al_Mayadeen on